Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hey there from Terry in INSY 211

I am looking forward to making my own web designs. It is something I have always wanted to learn.


Paula Hinely said...

You will become a pro at this and before you know it you will have a Myspace!

samantha parker said...

hey terry

Wendy said...

I have always wanted to learn it too. It should be interesting.

Doveman said...

Hi there! Good luck in class!

amthomas83 said...

I am really excited about this class!!

Edna said...

Hi Terry,
I like your blog. Keep up the good work

Lawrence said...

Hola Chica! Just thought I'd say hello...Hello!!!

Terry W. Pacetti said...

Hi, Terry. This is Terry Pacetti. What a coincidence that we have the same name. I would love to speak to you. You may contact me at or 904-669-6000